By default, the app sends the Purchase Orders via email to your suppliers from “[email protected]”. Typically, the email will look like this.


This can be confusing to your Suppliers when they’re expecting your email address. Ultimate Purchase Orders provides a solution for this. You can configure the application to send emails from your own email address.

Both public email providers & private domain emails are supported (mostly).

<aside> 💡 Ultimate Purchase Orders supports Public Domain Email Providers like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, etc.


To enable sending Purchase Orders from your email, the application has to verify the email first. You can start the verification process by visiting Settings → Email & Notification Template.


  1. Enter your email address in the ‘From’ Email Address field.
  2. Review the email and click on ‘Start Verification’.
  3. You will receive an email in the below format for verification.


  1. Click on the link provided in the email to verify the email address.

<aside> 📢 The link will be valid for up to 24 hours. If you could not verify before that, start the verification process again.


  1. Upon successful verification, the app can send emails on behalf of you to your Suppliers.
  2. You can find the status of your email verification by visiting Settings → Email Settings on the application.
